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Posts: 6
Post by w85h on Oct 16, 2013 21:32:38 GMT
"Well really!" said W85H as he shuffled around the gravel. "I have been walking for miles and not a thing in sight other than these one eyed spider-snakes and then suddenly WALLOP! A great big stinking hole with a spaceport inside. This place is the pits!". W85H was running low on his second emergency battery, he had considered putting up a solar line but he knew he would be compelled to air washing on it. Normally that wouldn't be such a big deal. Only stomping across the plateau he hadn't seen so much as a fast coloured or a synthetic/cotton combined thread for that matter. "Hang on. did that narrator just say something racist?". W85H turned craned his cuboid head towards the source of the question which had been posed in the typical chirps and whistles of DB-321 bindrone. He knew the lingo naturally but he wasn't expecting another droid let alone a dustdroid in an environment such as this. "No I think it was just a slip of type, so what's your saga?" The rubberised lining of the washdroid's door arched archly. "A royal personage chucked something embarrassing into my head, so I ended up here. I heard there was a droid invasion here a few decades back and thought it would a good place to lay low and you?". W85H put a hand on his hip and stuck out his powder tray. "I was on that desert planet, the one without the sandworms, the one with two suns instead of two moons, and between laundry and translator jobs I ran a noodle delivery service, I ended up abandoned with the sweet course!" DB-321 chirped in, "Deserted in the desert with the dessert?". W85H's voice went up in pitch, "Have we just met or did you write my life story? Well we are both here now. two droids and one hole." Deebee bleeped, "I've been eating trash all my life but this dump looks like some giant E-Hole just upchucked the place. This could be the start of a beautiful adventure or the biggest mistake of my life. Come on you Zanussian twit lets get down there." The two droids accessed an emergency ramp into the city and slid down it. What strange creatures and attractive pilots would they meet down here? Who will marry whom? Who will end up being distantly related to what kitchen appliance and will W85H get himself plugged in before his juice runs out? It all starts here on this page with this post ending with these four dots.... Attachments:
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Posts: 6
Post by w85h on Oct 17, 2013 22:35:24 GMT
As the droids descended the ramp they noticed the spaceport seemed empty. DeeBee looked up to W85H his bow-tie span instinctively, "where is everybody?", he blooped. "I don't like the look of this or the sound." said the golden washbot. "I don't hear anything?", DeeBee replied. "It's a spaceport don't you think that's a bit worrying? Power is still up. I'm going to charge my cells. plenty of work for you here, there is litter everywhere." W85H connected a cable to the back of his box shaped head. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to clean up a bit. So much for the paperless galaxy, huh?" DB-321 picked up various crumpled pieces of paper and stuck them in his head. "What are those things anyway?", W85H asked. "I don't know I don't read Utai." The bindrone was chewing up the trash behind his eyes. It was a reassuring feeling for a dustdroid, just to be doing what the maker decreed. "It's not an easy language to learn but....that's not Utai, those are binary glyphs...that trash is digital" The rush of power to W85H sharpened his instinctive apprehension towards most situations, he spoke in hushed tones. "Why would a machine make a flyer that only another machine and a handful of dweebs could read?" Deebee asked scratching his lid. "There are no dweebs here or Utai, Pau'ans or even other droids for that matter." Still charging W85H brushed another flyer off a Vizzy and called up a spaceport map. "No lifeforms, or power signatures consistent with droids...even these ships seem dead and yet they all seem relatively new...this isn't a space port it's a ghost town." DeeBee snapped to a sound behind them,"are you sure that thing is working? Because I don't think we are alone here and I don't believe in ghosts."...
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Posts: 6
Post by w85h on Oct 19, 2013 23:52:45 GMT
The sound started out as a faint rattle from deep down in the pit. It funneled upwards and amplified and echoed as it climbed. Deebee quaked nervously and a brick of compressed paper mulch dropped out of his extractor tray. "What is making that noise?", he blooped. "Whatever it is doesn't sound healthy let's get out of the open." suggested W85H unplugging himself hoping to find another power point somewhere else to fully complete his much needed recharge. The pit was essentially a spiral and the droids wandered in and out of the outer ring of the pit, passed archways constructed of gigantic bones. When possible they would use market stalls and various other walls and banners for cover. The noise continued but echoed less the deeper they went. The flyers were still everywhere and once in a while DB-321 would grab the most accessible ones and nervously chew them. About an standard hour and a half passed before they found themselves in front of a building recessed into the rock. The tattered awning outside was decorated with words Arandela's Museum of Robotics in Pidgin Rican. The window display contained only plastic models of a few notable models from various eras. Something about the place made the two curious enough to enter. Attachments:
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Posts: 6
Post by w85h on Oct 26, 2013 1:18:46 GMT
The glass door to the museum was smashed so with very little effort W85H forced the latch and the two droids made their way through the small lobby. Daylight streamed in through the window and manikin droids cast long shadows on the kiosk of the abandoned gift shop. "I really want to know what happened here, it can't be that everyone left.The spaceport has it's usual compliment of ship all fueled and ready to go. It's like someone teleported every sentient being and droid off the planet, there isn't even aircraft in the sky." W85H scratched his half load button in disbelief. DeeBee was less curious and more nervous, "look I just want to get away from whatever made that noise. Maybe we can activate some of the exhibits for a bit of extra company. Safety in numbers and all that." Passing beyond the lobby into the main hall was an experience. It was vast. Whoever paid for it must have had a lot of credits to their name, it was like a municipal building on Coruscant or one of the other core worlds. The exhibits were arranged in digital dioramas but also contained within a glass case with a hololabel projected on the side. The languages shifted offering the patron a chance to stop the options at the language most known to them. W85H recognised most of them. The first read : "Robby la Roboto estigita kiel gravulo en la 1956 filmo Malpermesita Planedo. Li estas 7- piedo ( 2,1 m) de alteco roboto kies " buŝo " estas monocromático blua lumo organo, sinkronigita al sia sinteza voĉo, lia bando de kurbigas tuboj lokitaj rekte sub sia travidebla konusa "multekosta " kupolo. Li marŝas sur mekanikaj kruroj.
La iluzio de roboto estis kreita de kostumo operaciita de Frankie Darro de interne ; lia voĉo estis provizita de la aktoro Marvin Miller. La kostumo estis kreita de MGM prop fako; la komenca dezajno estis pripensinta de Arnold "Buddy " Gillespie, rafinita de produktado ilustristo Mentor Huebner , kaj poste igis realeco sub la direkto de mekanikaj dezajno Roberto Kinoshita.
Malpermesita Planedo estas pri starship ŝipanaro de la Tero , kiu surteriĝi ilia difektita kosmoŝipo en la planedo Altair IV, regata de la mistera Dr Morbius . Robby estas mekanika servanto, ke Morbius desegnis kaj planita . La intrigo estis komparita al William Shakespeare la verko La tempesto (1610 ), kun Altair IV staras por Shakespeare fora insulo kaj Dr Morbius por Prosperas . En ĉi tiu kunteksto, Robby estas equatable kun Ariel , spirito sklavigita de Prosperas en la ludo.
Robby elmetas artefarita inteligenteco, sed kun aparta personeco kiu montras (eble intenca ) seka inĝenieco. Li estas instruita de Morbius esti helpema al la Tero starship ŝipanaro kaj faras ĝin por sintezi kaj transportante al ilia surteriĝo ejo preskaŭ 10 tunoj de " izotopo 217 " malpezan - pezo kvankam efika anstataŭas la menditan plumbo ŝirmante bezonis por lia ŝipanaro. Dr Morbius estas planita Robby obei Isaac Asimov La Tri Leĝoj de Robotiko kiel esprimita en Mi, Roboto ( 1950). Unu el la leĝoj estas regulo kontraŭ mortigi homoj; ĉi iĝas grava proksime de la fino de la filmo kiam Robby rifuzas mortigi la " Id monstro " kiam li rekonas ke la nevidebla infanino estas alter ego / etendo de D-ro Morbius . La filmo TTT misleadingly bildigas feroca karaktero abducting virgulinon, sed ne tia sceno estas en la filmo; Robby nur portas unu persono, ŝipano Dr Ostro , kiam li estas vundita . " Which was very informative.
DB-321 looked at the next which read :"K-9 , com efeitos retroactivos " K- 9 Mark I" ( Leeson ) , inicialmente apareceu em O Inimigo Invisível ( 1977), como a criação de Professor Marius (Frederick Jaeger ) no ano de 5000. K-9 , posteriormente, viajou com a Quarta Doutor (Tom Baker) e Leela ( Louise Jameson ) como um companheiro do Doutor em suas aventuras no tempo e no espaço até a invasão do Tempo (1978). Nesta série, K-9 decide permanecer no planeta natal do Doutor em Gallifrey com Leela . Imediatamente depois, Doctor Who iria introduzir uma segunda encarnação de K-9 , interpretado pelo mesmo prop , a última cena de The Invasion of Time mostra o Doutor desembalar a caixa " K-9 Mk II " . Embora a primeira encarnação do K-9 não aparece novamente em Doctor Who mídia televisionada , ele é a estrela do K-9 série de televisão de 2009, em que ele passa por uma espécie de processo de "regeneração" a partir do qual uma nova e mais sofisticada e futurista K-9 emerge [1], na primeira série de K-9 , o personagem é transportado para Londres c . 2050 Professor Gryffen (Robert Moloney ) . Embora na regeneração o personagem perde a memória de suas aventuras com o médico, ele auxilia companheiros adolescentes Gryffen e vários contra um regime distópico de "O Departamento " . O K-9 atualizado tem novas especificações , ostentando um display head -up sofisticada , a capacidade de voar , e armas de laser mais poderoso .
K- 9 Mark II aparece pela primeira vez na operação Ribos (1978). Mais móvel do que o seu antecessor , Mark II exibiu a capacidade de perceber e avisar os outros do perigo . Ele viaja como um companheiro ao lado do médico e Romana (Mary Tamm , mais tarde, Lalla Ward) . Em torno do tempo de regeneração da Romana ( a transição da atriz Maria Tamm de Lalla Ward) , o personagem foi explicado como sofrendo de " laringite " para acomodar a partida de Leeson da série no início da temporada 1979-80 , por esse tempo, ele foi interpretado por David Brierley , até o retorno de Leeson para a temporada 1980-1981 . Quando o doutor e viagens Romana para o universo paralelo de E -Space , K -9 é severamente danificada, em Portão Warriors ' (1981). O dano foi tal que K-9 só poderia funcionar em E -Space , quando Romana decidiu ficar e forjar seu próprio caminho , o médico deu K-9 para ela. O personagem faz aparições posteriores em remakes da série Shada inacabado, ao lado do Doutor Oitava (Paul McGann ), o Shada jogo e webcast 2003 audio retratam K- 9 Mark II como tendo retornado para Gallifrey com Romana , agora Senhora Presidente dos Senhores do Tempo , onde o médico vai visitá-los .
K- 9 Mark III apareceu pela primeira vez na série spin-off do personagem, K-9 and Company em seu piloto 1981 "Melhor amigo de uma menina " . Neste , o personagem é apresentado ao ex- companheiro do Doutor Sarah Jane Smith ( Elisabeth Sladen ), juntos, os dois embarcam em uma série de aventuras. Apenas o primeiro deles é retratado na tela , vários são mostradas em quadrinhos e adaptações de reprodução de áudio , e outros são aludido pela série de televisão . Mark III fez uma breve aparição ao lado de Sarah Jane no Doctor Who 20 º aniversário de noventa minutos Os cinco médicos (1983), antes de aparecer corretamente e pela última vez na série reviveu " episódio" School Reunion ", em 2006 . Até o momento dessa história , Mark III tem caído em desuso e, eventualmente, se sacrifica para parar uma conspiração pela Krillitane alienígena e derrotar seu líder, Lucas Finch ( Anthony Head) . Na conclusão do episódio, o médico apresenta Sarah Jane com um novo K-9 para incentivá-la a continuar investigando a atividade alienígena , o doutor " reconstruído " a ele após o sacrifício do Mark III , implicando que ele tinha o mesmo pensamento e memórias como seu antecessor , enquanto ainda ser um " novo modelo " .
Depois de aparecer nas cenas finais de " School Reunion " , K- 9 Mark IV retornou em spin- off da série estréia episódio de " Invasion of the Bane " The Sarah Jane Adventures " , onde, devido a questões de licenciamento com criador Bob Baker é explicado que K -9 é selar um buraco negro e só pode se comunicar rapidamente e raramente com Sarah Jane . O personagem faz uma aparição heróica na primeira final da série " The Lost Boy " , para fazer a batalha com desonestos supercomputador alienígena Sr. Smith ( Alexander Armstrong ), demonstrando nova teletransporte CGI e características oscilando . As interfaces de Mark IV K-9 incluir pelo menos uma porta de barramento serial universal . [2] Posteriormente , o personagem aparece brevemente no Doctor Who série " fim da jornada " quatro series finale (2008 ), onde K-9 e Sr. Smith ajudar o doutor em voltar a Terra para sua posição correta . K-9 ao lado aparece na comédia Red Nose Day 2009 Sarah Jane mini- episódio " De Raxacoricofallapatorius com amor" . [3] Um acordo com os criadores de K-9 ter sido atingido , K- 9 Mark IV se tornou um personagem regular na Sarah Jane na terceira história da série The Mad Woman in the Attic (2009 ) até a série de quatro premiere The Nightmare Man (2010 ), onde acompanha a partida séries Lucas regular ( Tommy Knight) para a universidade . Ele aparece novamente em quatro séries finale , Goodbye , Sarah Jane Smith. Embora ele não aparecer na série, ele é mencionado em The Man Who Never Was (2011) que Lucas inventou um apito especial cão a chamá-lo com. ¡BANG!" He didn't understand a word of that but the last one made him chuckle. "How many droids do you think are here?" he asked W85H. "Well over 500! this one looks intimidating", he said pointing to a very large cabinet. The label read, "פליענדיק טעצל . ער טוט נישט רעדן , אָבער ניצט אַ שטראַל וואָפן פּראַדזשעקטאַד פון ונטער אַ ווייזער צו ווייפּערייז וועפּאַנז און מניעות . קלאַאַטו באשרייבט אים ווי זייַענדיק טייל פון אַ ינטערסטעלער פּאָליצייַ קראַפט . ער אַנאַונסיז אַז די מענטשן פון די אַלוועלט קאַנסטראַקטאַד סך ראָובאַץ ווי גאָרט און האט זיי יררעוואָקאַבלע כוחות צו רעספּאָנד צו היציק אַקשאַנז אין סדר צו " ופהיטן דער שלום ". ער גייט אויף צו זאָגן אַז " עס ס קיין שיעור צו וואָס גאָרט קען טאָן . ער קען צעשטערן די ערד ." [ 1 ]
דער כאַראַקטער איז באזירט לוסלי אויף גנוט , אַ גרויס גרין ראָבאָט פון ויסווייניקסט פּלאַץ אין " געזעגענונג צו די האר ", אַ 1940 קורץ געשיכטע דורך הארי באַטעס וואָס איז געניצט ווי די באזע פֿאַר עדמונד ה צפון ס סקרעענפּלייַ . אין דער געשיכטע , גנוט איז געגלויבט צו זייַן די קנעכט פון זייַן הומאַנאָיד באַגלייטער , אָבער ריווילז זיך , אין די סוף , צו האָבן געווען דער בעל .
אויף פאַרשטעלן גאָרט איז אַ גרויס " סימלאַס " ראָבאָט אַז אויס צו זייַן קאַנסטראַקטאַד פון אַ איין שטיק פון " פלעקסאַבאַל מעטאַל " . ער איז געווען געשילדערט דורך 7' - 7 " ( 231 סענטימעטער ) - הויך אַקטיאָר לאַק מארטין ווערינג אַ דיק פּינע - גומע פּאַסן דיזיינד און געבויט דורך אַדדיסאָן כער . צוויי סוץ געווען באשאפן , פאַסאַנד אָלטערנאַטלי פון די פראָנט אָדער צוריק אַזוי אַז די ראָבאָט קען דערשייַנען סימלאַס דיפּענדינג אויף די אַפּאַראַט ווינקל . אנדער פיבערגלאַסס סטאַטוע פון גאָרט איז געניצט פֿאַר נאָענט - אַפּס פון אים פירינג זייַן שטראַל וואָפן אָדער ווען די סצענע האט נישט רופן פֿאַר אים צו באַוועגן . אין סדר צו מאַקסאַמייז די הייך פון די ראָבאָט , דער קאָסטיום איז געווען געמאכט מיט ליפץ אין די שיך און איז דיזיינד אַזוי אַז די ציפער ס פייַערלעשער - העלם שטייט קימאַט אַ פֿיס העכער די שפּיץ פון מארטין ס קאָפּ . פּריסמס זענען אנגעשטעלט אַזוי אַז מארטין קען זען דורך דעם קאָסטיום ס ווייזער און לופט האָלעס זענען צוגעשטעלט אונטער די ראָבאָט 'ס גאָמבע .
בעת רובֿ פון די פילם , גאָרט בלייבט מאָושאַנלאַס אין פראָנט פון די טעצל , וואָס רעסץ אויף דער נאַציאָנאַלער מאָל אין הויפט וואַשינגטאָן דק בשעת סייאַנטיס און מיליטעריש ריסערטשערז ונטערזוכן אים . אין איין פונט קלאַאַטו קאַמיוניקייץ מיט אים ניצן סיגנאַלז פון אַ פלאַשליגהט . ער אויך ריספּאַנדז צו גערעדט קאַמאַנדז , אַרייַנגערעכנט די באַרימט שורה " גאָרט ... קלאַאַטו באַראַדאַ ניקטאָ ", גערעדט דורך פּאַטריסיאַ ניל ס כאַראַקטער צו די סוף פון די פילם ." If he could find a power switch to that giant they would all know where they stood.